Sunday, 14 March 2010


Thanks to the pharmacological interventions of the NHS' finest (and in addition taking what was in the back of the cupboard) the latter half of Atomic Hamster is restored to rude good health. I am a drug tsar, what can I say? I managed a five mile run yesterday and was good to go again today, except that fate decreed that I spend most of it driving in my car (it's not quite a Jaguar)...the second sign of Madness indeed...

It seems that the former half of AH has missed me too, though his aim is improving. In his promised race report, you will see that he 'forgot to eat', an excuse much beloved of svelte fit wenches, anorexics and people with suicidal tendencies. You see, gentle reader, you can call it the knock, a bonk or hitting the wall, but the last thing you want to do in an endurance event, especially when you have another one planned next day, is run out of carbs. The sudden 'why has my body stopped working? Why has my brain stopped working?' feeling that this produces is unpleasant in the extreme...and not conducive to dragging your sorry arse onwards for another several miles. In the absence of paracetamoxifrusebendroneomycin (which also reverses impotence and makes you good at fighting) eating is the only way to stop this. I could've reminded him. It's nice to be needed...

I bet he missed my singing too.

The coming weekend sees us at Rhayader for a 20 mile jogette round the oh-so-gentle contours of the local reservoirs. It's an undulating half marathon with two short sharp climbs and an eff-off 3.5 mile hill tacked on the front. It also has WEATHER.

And dead sheep.

It can be wild up there.

People have finished this race with PTSD. I had my first taste of hypothermia here.

And this is only the thunderbolt of Saturday.

On Sunday at 6am, it's the Lightning 12 hour at the 'very flat honest, guv' Eastnor Park. Set them free at the break of dawn 'Til one by one, they were gone. Now admittedly, we'll only run for 6 hours each, wussing out compared to the big boys and girls doing the whole thing solo, but on tired legs, it could be a challenge. Every one's a super-hero, every one's a Captain Kirk...

It has some minor side effects and some are not that rare...

Thunderbolt and lightning, very very frightening thing; I'll have the penne alla arrabiata...

The other A-H

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